

jQuery timeline control with support for stacking events.



  oncreate: function(item, element) {
    // Called when creating the item.
    // Can set attributes on the element here,
    // for example:
    element.css('color', 'red');
  onhover: function(item, element, event, inout) {
    // Called when mouse hovers over an item
    // inout is 'in' when entering, and 'out' when exiting.
  onclick: function(item, element, event) {
    // Called when an item is left-clicked.
  data: [],  // An array of objects with a timestamp key.
  hammertime: true, // Enable use of hammer.js to support touch devices
  items_height: 101, // height in px of item/event area
  markers_height: 31, // height in px of markers area
  displayUTC: false, // Show timestamps as UTC, else local time

Once created, the EventControl object can be accessed as demonstrated below. Right now, there is no support for updating the dataset, I plan to add this later.

var state = $('.eventcontrol').EventControl(); // save state
$('.eventcontrol').EventControl(state); // restore state
// zoom in / out: focus is (0 - 1), optional, default is 0.5
$('.eventcontrol').EventControl('zoom-in', focus);
$('.eventcontrol').EventControl('zoom-out', focus);

The library can optionally use hammer.js to support basic touch controls. Supporting pinch to zoom interferes with all kinds of functionality, so you'll probably want to hook up zoom in/out to separate controls.
